Chargrilled Asparagus and Broccollini
A super easy, delicious side dish or pop on a poached egg and dinner is done..
Beautiful in season asparagus and brocollini chucked on the BBQ or griddle pan, you can’t go wrong!
olive oil
sea salt
chilli flakes or fresh chilli
1 bunch fresh asparagus
1 bunch broccollini
Trim woody ends off asparagus and broccolini. Put in a non-reactive bowl and pour a good splash of olive oil. Season with sea salt and grind pepper (+ optional chilli flakes or fresh chilli). Toss in the bowl to ensure the vege is evenly covered.
Heat your BBQ or fry pan to medium heat. Pop on the vege and fry until crispy (aim for some chargrill marks). Make sure you don’t overcook the vege as you want these guys to be almost al dente, with a bit of crunch.
Serve whilst hot as a side or main. It goes beautifully with a fried egg on top and a sprinkle of zaatar. Enjoy!